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Showing posts from March, 2009

March moans..

Heavens above! What a week.. Brown strutting around the EU trying to persuade all and sundry that the calamitous state of affairs in the UK is all the fault of everyone else and that we should all spend ourselves stupid in a bizarre and doomed attempt to climb out of the abyss. In denial of the fact that the UK is likely to get screwed hardest of all by the current crisis because of his failure to monitor the situation, profligate spending and abject incompetence all round. And all this in the face of the comments by the Bank of England that the spendfest has to stop. A government report (Rose) is expected to suggest primary school kids learn more about blogging and using Wikipedia. How sad. Another example of New Labour's mantra that IT is the answer to all society's ills and the key to some brave new world of educated, employable, highly-skilled and rounded citizens. I'd suggest 'illiterate and inarticulate computer nerds'. Brown envelopes stuffed with used fivers...