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Showing posts from July, 2009

July's Merchant Bankers..

The start of July sees GOM marginally more irritated than usual - if such a thing is possible - as summer tends to bring society's most aggravating merchant bankers out from under their decking... The short daily walk to and from school with the children provides the perfect opportunity to view an abundance of prats at close quarter. Leading the field are the cretins who cannot walk the three hundred meters to the school and have no option but to park their Freelander two hundred meters from school, doing their best to create a local mini-gridlock. This group is closely followed by the drivers who feel that the pavement, despite being used by schoolkids and parents, is a useful route to take when the inevitable daily traffic snarl-ups start. Of course the hot weather can wreak havoc on women who have had to spend all day drinking coffee and blathering, going to the gym to drink coffee and blather and otherwise doing bugger all. Sensible, therefore, that once they have bagged a prim...