And a rebuttal of comments by 'George the Poet.. [Mr Cameron's remarks about…] the painful legacy of colonialism could not be further from the truth and they reveal a disappointing lack of historical judgment. The British Empire in India, known as the Raj, was the greatest experiment in paternalistic imperial government in history. By the time the British left India in 1947 they had given the subcontinent a number of priceless assets, including the English language, but also a structure of good government, local organisation and logistical infrastructure that still holds good today. Far from damaging India, British imperial rule gave it a head start. At the centre of this was the Indian Civil Service, the 1,000 strong "heaven-born" group of administrators that ran the country. Their role in laying the foundations for strong, efficient government in India has never been accorded the respect and admiration it deserves. While history has recorded that the ICS w...
Increasingly angry ramblings of a very disgruntled father and husband. Was a Tory, despise Labour and the left. Believe in equality of opportunity and under the law but incandescent at everything 'woke', political correctness, the moral and cultural decline of a once decent, fair society and the growth of selfishness and the death of personal responsibility in the UK.