Whilst making the most of forty-eight Twitter-free hours - actually, I (temporarily) deactivated my account on Sunday evening - I’ve realised there’s no outlet for intemperate rants about the endless succession of bloody irritating, if not infuriating, stories in the news, not least courtesy of the official state broadcaster, the (#DefundThe..) BBC. So, methinks, let’s update the blog! Delighted to see that ‘Sir’ – I do hope that boat has sailed! – Lewis Hamilton has decided to add being an ‘anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist’ to his portfolio of achievements, alongside race-baiting supporter of the anarcho-Marxist BLM organization. He may have deleted the message saying he hadn’t read the material, so he’s either a dolt or simply got caught being a pillock! And, regards ‘taking it up the ‘knee’’, our Lewis’ll be making damn sure that the half dozen F1 drivers who ARE standing up against compulsory breast-beating and the wearing of hair-shirts get as much negative exposure as he ...
Increasingly angry ramblings of a very disgruntled father and husband. Was a Tory, despise Labour and the left. Believe in equality of opportunity and under the law but incandescent at everything 'woke', political correctness, the moral and cultural decline of a once decent, fair society and the growth of selfishness and the death of personal responsibility in the UK.